Being separated

Ney went to Hong Kong for business trip from today onwards for a week. I have forgotten how hard it is to be separated again. I thought I have overcame this separation anxiety from the past practices, but apparently I am wrong, so very wrong. This choked feeling from holding back my tears have been in my stomach since I woke up this morning. All these worries of the plane might go missing or crash or kidnapped or probably go into another dimension and appears again 20 years later keep running in my mind. I know I am stupid to think like this, but I could not help myself. i miss him really really much. i can't imagine life without him, yes, i am way too glued to him, this must be what they called love. okay, enough of that, i just need a space to release all these not so good energy since i feel better after writing it out. Oh, guess what, I handed in my very 1st resignation letter today. It felt right and free, I felt a huge burden has been lifted up from my shoulder. I believe the best is yet to come real soon.

Today, 1st of July, a day to remember. I felt like a grown up, taking control of my life and protected myself from those uncomfortable situations. however, before I start anything else, I need to build back my confidence, those shattered pieces need to be fixed back. But T.T I have no idea where to start, maybe I can do it from writing at here? I really hope I could earn a living by writing and sharing. *fingercrossing I always do things half way, but this has to stop!!

It's Wednesday tomorrow!! Gambate, next week, ney will be back! Mid-week fighting!


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